Drifting Along in Leadership, Career or Life?

Being in Leadership Has you Challenged?
Facing a Career or Life Change and Feel Stuck?
Experiencing Military to Civilian Career Transition Uncertainty?
In Need of Ethical Training and Coaching?
Facing a Career or Life Change and Feel Stuck?
Experiencing Military to Civilian Career Transition Uncertainty?
In Need of Ethical Training and Coaching?
Let Me Bring My Over Thirty Five Years of Leadership , Life Experience, Energy and Positivity to Move You Forward d
My Approach
My approach is to lead you through a discovery of your values, strengths, beliefs and work life balance to serve as a foundation for goal development. I firmly believe that we are all inherently, strong, capable and wise and my purpose is to let that greatness come forth from you. For leadership development coaching it will also include other assessments such as Hogan, DSCI, 360 Degree, MBTI etc. I then work with you to develop your fulfilling goals and an action plan to achieve them.For specifics on each area of coaching Career, Life, Military to Civilian, Leadership and Ethics pages.
" I come from the generation of ‘do it all’ women. As I reached my fifties I was feeling stuck and fearful. Fear was holding me back. Through Kevin’s coaching I was able to maximize my strengths, work through my limiting beliefs and overcome my fears. I have always known my purpose now I have a direction. I am moving forward and following my passion. "
K. H. Pennsylvania "I am a military officer making the transition to a civilian career. I was facing this transition with little clarity and with apprehension. Kevin's coaching has enabled me to have clarity in where my passion lies in my next career along with understanding my desired work life balance. Additionally the action plan I have developed with his coaching creates the opportunities I desire. This has restored my self-confidence as I approach this significant career and life change." C. M. Pennsylvania |
If You are Ready for Coaching, Contact Me Now to Arrange a Complimentary Consultation To Determine our Fit Together

I bring over 35 years of leadership (military and civilian), life experience and knowledge to my clients as a Professional Coach. Following my strengths, experience and passion to share them with others I returned to the academic world attending the Duquesne University, School of Leadership and Professional Development, Professional Coaching Certification Course. I also bring my knowledge gained teaching leadership and ethics at the University level. I am also certified as a Clark Wilson Group 360 Feedback survey and Hogan Performance Survey assessor.
Kevin Cheesebrough
Captain, USN (Ret), PCC
Kevin Cheesebrough
Captain, USN (Ret), PCC

Member International Coach Federation