Why Leadership Development Coaching?
- Leadership development coaching entails regular meetings between a leader and a trained leadership coach, designed to produce positive changes in leadership behaviors in a scheduled period of time (e.g. six months to a year)
- Developing new behavioral skills
- Emotional Intelligence: self awareness, self management, social awareness and relationship management
- Leadership styles applications
- Greater self awareness, motivation
- Personal confidence and self-regard
- Well being
Leadership Development Coaching Program Emphasis
- Meet the client where they are on the leadership continuum
- Customize assessments and interviews as basis for determining priorities
- Priorities determined by the client
- Focus on improving strengths and managing weaknesses of the client
- Preferred models used for development (basic to advanced):
Leadership Styles (Directive, Visionary, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetter, Coach)
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
Leader Servant Leadership
Leader as Coach
- Develop self awareness and adaptive change capability
Leadership Development Coaching Program Process
- Establish a starting point with the client and sponsor on purpose and desired outcomes
- Determine assessments:
- Leadership goals decided with the client
- Develop coaching plan
- Client develops leadership development action plan
- End of coaching assessment(s)
- Client and sponsor evaluation of outcomes
- Follow on leadership development plan